My leg has been healing quite nicely. The swelling is gone and all that remains is super light bruising, a couple of new scars and two lumps underneath my thigh. Coach assures me it's likely just scar tissue. It's definitely nothing that is causing me pain so that's good!!!
I went to Buffalo, NY for my family reunion (Loffredo side). What a great time!!! I always love seeing my Buffalo f
amily and was sad to leave. While there, I had an awesome time running. It wasn't only the cool temps though...for the first time in awhile, I smiled the WHOLE WAY THROUGH MY RUN! I'm sure I looked like some crazed freak to the people I passed along the way but I couldn't help it. I was out there feeling good and it reminded me of how much I love running. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE triathlons but running will always be my first love!
I had my first 50 mile ride this past weekend!!!! Woo hoo!!!! I was a little intimidate
d by the distance but honestly, loved the distance and had an awesome solo ride. For me, there is nothing better than getting out there and clearing my ever jumbled head!!!! I'm getting more and more confident on the bike and still totally in love with my beautiful Quintana Roo!!!! One of my favorite parts of the ride was coming up on 59....a HWY I typically drive on. I didn't get on the HWY of course, I'm not crazy! Ok, I'm not stupid. :)
So what's next? Glad you asked! I have a race this weekend!!! Clear Lake Sprint Triathlon to be exact. This sprint will cover a 500m swim, 12.5 mile bike and 3.1 mile run. It's a longer sprint than I've done in the past but I'm totally ready for it! I have an Oly next month which I'm looking forward to and then 10 weeks from now will be my first HALF IRONMAN!!!!!!
I promise I'll do better and post this weekend before and/or after my race!!!!
I have a Quintana Roo too that I love!
Roo Roo Quintan Roo!