Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Oh, that's just oxygen deprivation!

Monday, March 21, 2011
Century Ride...Check

You might think this is where the story end but you're wrong. You see, we're dedicated and focused triathletes training for a big race. After our 100 mile ride, our sweet Coach was kind enough to schedule us for a 30 minute run. We were so happy to have finished our ride, we hardly minded having to run in the hot sun. Michelle is a MUCH faster runner than me but was kind enough to slow her pace way down so we could run together. We talked, laughed and got our run done together. It was the best brick I've had in awhile and I couldn't have done it without her!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
A letter to my first love.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Can I get some fries with that shake shake booty?

Being that I'm just about 3 weeks out from Galveston 70.3 and therefore, NINE weeks out from IMTX, it's time to focus on nutrition. No, not nutrition as in what I'm eating on a d

Above: Mixed Berry IM Perform, I love you! You taste nothing like your nasty, Mango cousin. Yuck!

Above: Cookie Dough Roks, you complete me. I love you even though you taste nothing like cookie dough. Maybe at mile 80, when I'm delirious, you will trick me. But not now.
As of today, these 3 nutritional delights will be my compadres during IMTX...unless of course I become the vomit comet come Sunday. In that case, I will have to change my plan. I don't think that'll happen though! :)I am so, so, SO glad Coach G had me focusing on this now. This is way more complicated than figuring out what I'm going to where to a party that says "trendy casual" on the invite!
Happy training...and if looks could kill you would be an oozie (sp?) or a shot gun BANG! (Sorry, had to complete the SNP lyrics). :)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The first weekend of many more firsts to come!
Holy training Batman! Coach G gave us all the heads up the last 12 weeks of training would be the most critical but would also be full of firsts. She wasn't kidding!!! To spare you a little boredom, I'll just cut to the chase. I posted my first 16 mile run, swam my first long staple workout of 30x100's (ouch) and topped it off today with 86 miles on the bike followed by a 30min run (at a 10:43/mile pace which yes, is respectable for me)! As I sit here at nearly 6pm on Sunday night, I can't help but feel extremely proud of the work I've been putting in and the progress I'm making. I still have 10 weeks until Ironman and A LOT of work to still do but each week I see myself getting stronger and feel the confidence building. Now, this confidence isn't building to the point where I'm saying I'm going to finish in 14hrs but it's building in a way that makes ME believe I will do this. I am my own worst critic and it's so easy to find something wrong with each workout and feel it's not good enough compared to others but that's when I have to check myself before I wreck myself (hahahaha, I couldn't resist). It doesn't matter who I can & can't keep up with. All that matters is that each week, I build on the week before and prove to myself I'm improving. What a great, great feeling!
I haven't weighed myself b/c honestly, I try not to do that as the scale is just another tool the devil likes to use. :) My jeans are fitting different though, as are my work slacks. I made my sister grab my butt the other day too b/c it was feeling good. Hey, she's lucky I didn't drop my sweats and make her look at it (as I've been known to do). I'm getting a lot more definition in my arms and I'm noticing my legs are toning up more. I'll never be skinny minny and that's fine by me but I must admit I am enjoying the perks of training like a crazy woman. The best perk of all though is that I just feel strong & I love that feeling!
Well, that's about all I have to report on the training front. Keith's daughter, Heather, is due next week and we've all been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby B (we don't know the gender yet)! Heather & her hubby Mike have just purchased their first home and have been busy trying to get it ready for Baby B. Crazy kids!! They moved from Arizona to Chicago, bought a house and are waiting to pop out their first kid...all inside about a month! I don't think they could've put more "life events" in such a short period if they tried! Keith & I are super excited for them though and can't wait to meet Baby B and see their new home. Congrats guys!!!!!
With that, I'm off to finish relaxing. Sophie & Leia are acting like they biked 86 miles today as Sophie has already put herself to bed (in my bed) and Leia is laying at my feet snoozing.
Before I forget, a week from today will be my longest ride before IMTX AND my first century (100 mile) ride! I am beyond excited for this ride and will spend the week resting and watching my nutrition so I can have the best possible ride!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Hills Yes...Thanks for the Memories Continental Cycling Classic!
I had a great long run on Saturday and was very thankful to have no arch pain. Yay! I got up super early and had to run alone b/c I was supposed to have my carpets cleaned BUT stupid Blackman Mooring kept calling to tell me they would be later & later (my original appt time was 8am). Their final call brought word that it would be 2pm and did I mind? Umm, you clearly don’t know me. Hell to the yes I mind so don’t bother coming. Now I must research another good carpet cleaning service. Annoying!

For those who don't know where Anderson is in relation to H-Town
Ahh, much appreciated rest stop in Anderson!
Setting out on the second half of our ride, I learned that the hills leaving Anderson were almost as punishing. I think they seemed harder than they were because my legs were tired from the other set of hills. I dropped back a bit from my group to maintain my HR but wasn’t too worried as I could see everyone just fine in the near distance. That was until I got a ridiculous cramp in my foot. Really? Now? I decided to ride through it and try to stretch it out on the bike but it’s pretty tough to stretch in those rigid shoes. Dangit. We passed the rest stop in Richards but I knew I wouldn’t make it to the next one and so told myself I would pull off when I found a decent spot. The pain would disappear and then come right back so I waited a little while longer and then hopped off the bike for a stretch. That was just what the doctor ordered as that stretch felt like heaven. Almost as good as pb&j. I caught back up with Misty (who was kind enough to pull off at the 50 mile rest stop). Yay, I would have company for our last 20ish miles. We set off and then stopped again at 60miles for another quick stretch. There was one last hill, the final mile of course. That’s just cruel. I must admit, after the hills in Anderson, this hill was nothing and Misty & I passed lots of folks heading up it. Go us!
Pulling in to the Montgomery County Athletic Complex, I couldn’t be happier….that was until Coach G yelled to me to get ready for my run. Umm, huh? There was no run on my schedule. I chose to ignore her and then slowly got my bike loaded on my car. She of course came right up to me and told me to hurry it up and get my run done. “Are you crazy” I asked? Ok, maybe I didn’t ask it that way but you get the picture. Coach G wondered aloud why she wouldn’t make me run and then remembered it was a rest & test week so no brick for me. I got my dry clothes on which included my cute shirt that said, “Hills Yes”. After everyone finished their ride and/or brick, we headed to Sam’s Boat on Lake Conroe for post race grub. Given that I’ve been trying really hard to be good and drop a few more pounds, I was going to bypass the beer…and I was successful! Well, then Gena ordered the delicious sounding Bloody Mary and I caved! I was SO glad I did too b/c that was the yummiest Bloody Mary I’ve had in awhile. Perfect amount of spice and yummy snacks in it! A great, great ride topped off by food with friends.
A few things I learned from this ride: (1) I am SO thankful the Anderson hills are not on the IMTX course. Whew! (2) I need to continue to focus on pacing so I can avoid going out too hard and conserve energy for the end.
This week will be another busy training week bringing another first….my first 16 mile run and my longest run ever. I’ll be jumping from 11 to 16 which I’m ok with. I’m excited to knock this run out and see how it feels! Sunday will bring 85 miles in the saddle followed by a 30minute run. Galveston & IMTX are steadily creeping up on me!